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Farm Safety

Blog Posts

John Schepis headshot
Read article: Welcome, John Schepis!
Welcome, John Schepis!
The Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP) at the University of Illinois has recently expanded...
Personal Protective Equipment and Sprayer
Read article: Maintaining personal protective equipment
Maintaining personal protective equipment
At this time of year, when pesticides are commonly being used, it is important to take the time to properly clean and maintain Personal Protective...
Father and son walking in corn field
Read article: New minimum age requirement for Illinois pesticide licenses on the horizon
New minimum age requirement for Illinois pesticide licenses on the horizon
Do you have a pesticide applicator license? If so, how old were you when you first obtained your license? Is it safe to assume that your first...
Instructor teaching students about farm safety
Read article: Tazewell County 4-H members learn safety skills during a club-wide Farm Safety Night
Tazewell County 4-H members learn safety skills during a club-wide Farm Safety Night
Farming is a way of life for many families, and it often involves the active participation of children and teenagers. While the experience of working...

News Releases

men standing in front of a truck used to fix electric wires with safety sign
Important safety lessons learned at Farm Safety Day
LEWISTOWN, Ill -University of Illinois Extension and Farm Bureau in Fulton and Mason Counties sponsored their annual Farm Safety Day on Tuesday, June 11, at the Fulton County Fairgrounds in Lewistown. This yearly event was made possible with the support of several area businesses and...
Farm Safety Day demonstration of water safety
Farm Safety Day registration is open to all area youth
Accidents can happen in a split second, that's why it's never too young to start learning how to be situationally aware and safe. For over 30 years, University of Illinois Extension and Illinois Farm Bureau have been teaching area youth essential safety skills. This year's Farm Safety Day is on...


Safe Animal Handling in Beef Cattle


Safe animal handling is critical for ensuring safety of both handlers and the animals. In this episode of Grazing Planners Speak, Travis Meeter (University of Illinois Extension) provides an overview of cattle behavior and how to ensure safe animal handling as a grazing planner....

Farm Safety and Power Line Awareness

It was Cody Conrady’s next-to-last day as an assistant manager for an ag fertilizer company. They were shorthanded that day, so Cody jumped in his truck to get ahead of the sprayer. Once the sprayer was in place, he hopped out of the truck to fill the tank with fertilizer. He and his coworker...
