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Blog Posts

Read article: When 4-H really matters
When 4-H really matters
Life-changing. It isn't a term I use lightly or often. It loses its power when used carelessly, yet today, today, I can use no other word to...
Read article: Cheers to the green and white
Cheers to the green and white
October 1 starts the biggest week in 4-H, National 4-H Week. 4-H membership is 6 million strong across the country, with more than 25 million alumni...

News Releases

award winners at conference
Five community engagement programs recognized for excellence
URBANA, Ill. — The core of University of Illinois Extension’s mission is to help individuals and communities improve by connecting them with life-changing research-based information. Every year, staff across the state offer thousands of in-person and remote programs to meet this mission....


Germάn Bolero

Germάn Bollero

Dean of the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences