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Blog Posts

Constructed wetland next to a walking path
Read article: Constructed wetlands for water quality: Perceptions in today's society
Constructed wetlands for water quality: Perceptions in today's society
Wetlands are some of the most vital yet understood ecosystems, often portrayed in...
Combine harvesting corn
Read article: The agronomics of N, P, & K
The agronomics of N, P, & K
As harvest wraps up, many farmers are turning their attention to fall fertilizer applications. Managing nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (...
From trees to trouble: how leaves harm water quality autumn leaves on a storm grate along community street
Read article: From trees to trouble: how leaves harm water quality
From trees to trouble: how leaves harm water quality
The natural process of trees shedding leaves in the fall is the most visible sign of trees preparing for winter dormancy. Shedding leaves is a tree’s...
Farmers talking during a panel discussion in Knox County.
Read article: Edge-of-field considerations: A farmer perspective
Edge-of-field considerations: A farmer perspective
Edge-of-field practices help reduce nutrient loss, improve wildlife habitats, and support long-term farm sustainability. A farmer panel hosted in...

News Releases

Person catching raindrops
Advance local impact with Watershed Stewards
Bloomington Ill. – Every day, rain nourishes fields of growing crops, and rivers steadily flow through natural areas and communities until, eventually, drinking water trickles out of faucets into our homes, schools, and businesses. The health of a watershed is tied to the...
a cover crop growing in a farm field
Farmers share how to keep valuable soil in fields
LAWRENCEVILLE, Ill. — When it comes to farming, there is no substitute for experience. This March, producers and landowners can connect with local Illinois farmers and learn from others’ hands-on knowledge on preventing soil loss in their fields at the Cultivating Conversations: Preventing Soil...


Planning a Multipurpose Pond

Thinking about building a pond on your property for wildlife, fishing, livestock, storm water containment, fire protection, or other reasons? Not sure where to start on site selection, sizing, estimating drainage area, overflow needs, embankment requirements, etc.? Explore important...


Staff photo Shiba Kar

Shiba 'Shibu' Kar

Assistant Dean: Natural Resources, Environment, and Energy Program Leader. Associate Director of Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant