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Blog Posts

fruit in water
Read article: Tips for staying hydrated during the heatwave
Tips for staying hydrated during the heatwave
Staying hydrated is a concern all year round, but especially in the summer when it is hot outside....
overview of local rain garden just planted
Read article: Keeping rain where it lands
Keeping rain where it lands
Rainwater is frequently treated like a waste product – gathered up, hustled off our yards, and into the nearest body of water. But instead, what if...
Chicken in a field
Read article: What is regenerative agriculture?
What is regenerative agriculture?
Regenerative agriculture may just sound like a new buzz word in the sustainable production space, but what does this term actually mean and why...
group of people hiking
Read article: Simple steps to help prevent the spread of invasive species 
Simple steps to help prevent the spread of invasive species 
There are a few simple steps to prevent the spread of invasive species. Avoid moving soil or debris from one area to another. When engaging...

News Releases

group out hiking
Adventures await in Naturalist Core Education program
LEWISTOWN, Ill. - University of Illinois Extension's Naturalist Core Education Training is designed for adults of any age who love to learn about the natural world. The goal of the program is not to teach people everything there is to know about the...


Reduce Flooding & Water Pollution with Rain Gardens and Native Plants

Rain gardens and native plants incorporated into home and business landscapes can help to reduce localized flooding, improve local water quality, provide habitat for wildlife, and much more. Learn how to consider natural options to handle rain runoff and walk through the recent renovation of the...


Staff photo Shiba Kar

Shiba 'Shibu' Kar

Assistant Dean: Natural Resources, Environment, and Energy Program Leader. Associate Director of Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant