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Blog Posts

Farmers talking during a panel discussion in Knox County.
Read article: Edge-of-field considerations: A farmer perspective
Edge-of-field considerations: A farmer perspective
Edge-of-field practices help reduce nutrient loss, improve wildlife habitats, and support long-term farm sustainability. A farmer panel hosted in...
Stream flowing through a wooded area
Read article: Phosphorus and streambanks: a battle for cleaner waterways
Phosphorus and streambanks: a battle for cleaner waterways
Streams are an integral part of our ecosystem. They provide a source of drinking water and an important habitat for aquatic life, but they also drain...
Calf at waterer
Read article: Ensuring optimal water quality for livestock
Ensuring optimal water quality for livestock
As high summer temperatures continue, it is important to ensure water quality levels are in the appropriate range. Beef cattle require one-to-two...
suburban house with small trees landscaped around it
Read article: Remember summer care for your trees
Remember summer care for your trees
Welcome to summer! The heat, periodic drought, and summer storms can really take a toll on your trees. Here are some tips on how you can help your...

News Releases

A hand scrubbing a non-stick pan
Take steps to reduce exposure to PFAS chemicals
URBANA, Ill. — PFAS are chemicals commonly found in consumer goods that are making their way into drinking water supplies where they are a risk to human health, but there are steps people can take to protect themselves.PFAS, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, are a group of more than 15...

