1615 Commerce Parkway Bloomington IL 61704
Myla Munro leads a team of individuals to provide youth in McLean County with opportunities for growth through 4-H activities, clubs, and programs. 4-H gives youth an opportunity to explore areas of interest and prepare them to be more well-rounded by enhancing their communication and leadership skills while strengthening partnerships with adults. Myla partners with other Extension Educators, local community college professionals, and university faculty and staff to deliver youth programs based on local needs and statewide priorities. She also brings additional experience in youth development settings, serving previously as a 4-H Extension Program Coordinator and Ag in the Classroom Coordinator.
Originally from Iroquois County, Myla grew up on a row crop and beef cattle farm in rural Crescent City. She is a 4-H alumna, with a bachelor’s degree from Southern Illinois University in animal science and a master’s degree in agricultural education from the College of ACES at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
Organizational Membership:
Myla is an active member of the National Association of Extension 4-H Youth Development Professionals (NAE4-HYDP) and the Illinois Extension Professionals for Youth Education (IEPYE) associations.
Myla is a certified facilitator of the Matrixx System/Real Colors program by the National Curriculum and Training Institute.