BLOOMINGTON, Ill. – Comlara Park at Evergreen Lake will be the setting for this year’s annual Nature Trails Day on Saturday, September 16 from 10AM. to 1:00PM. The event is sponsored by the University of Illinois Extension Master Naturalist Program and its volunteers and is free to attend. Attendees will have a chance to go on guided hikes, visit children’s activity booths and listen to family-friendly presentations about the natural world.
“Our aim is to encourage families to learn more about the outside world with the hope that they will, in turn, become good stewards of this earth,” said Ann Lamkey, a Master Naturalist helping to plan the event.
Animal experts from Wildlife Prairie Park will be presenting with live animals promptly at 12PM. Master Naturalist volunteers will also host several kids’ nature activities, and there will be opportunities to learn more about plants, insects, trees, and birds.
Other activities available at the event will include guided hikes starting at 10:30AM, geo-caching with a local Boy Scout troop and tree ID hikes. The Twin City Amateur Astronomers will have solar telescopes available to use for a donation. Nature Trails Day participants can learn about bees and beekeeping, make a bird feeder and tree necklace, and learn about native pollinators. Young children, older adults and everyone in between will be able to find a worthwhile activity at the Master Naturalist sponsored annual event.
Bring lunch and spend some of the day at Comlara Park at Evergreen Lake. Interested parties should also bring sunscreen, water, and bug spray if desired. There will be water stations throughout the grounds where attendees can refill water bottles.
Master Naturalists are a group of volunteers who are dedicated to learning and committed to preserving the natural world for future generations here in Central Illinois. They serve as stewards of many local trails and natural spaces by clearing invasive species, maintaining trail safety, and hosting educational events and talks.
Interested members of the public who want to learn more about like-minded organizations can visit with liaisons to Parklands Foundation, Heartland Community College prairie, ISU Horticultural Center, and Riverwatch at Nature Trails Day. These and other organizations will have informational booths at the event. Members of these groups frequently share their knowledge of nature and the environment with all ages at many classes and events like Nature Trails Day.
For more information or to register, visit go.illinois.edu/LMWevents or contact the McLean County Extension Office at 309-663-8306. If you will need an accommodation in order to participate, please email the program instructor, Nick Frillman at frillma2@illinois.edu. Early requests are strongly encouraged to allow sufficient time to meet your access needs.
Illinois Extension leads public outreach for University of Illinois by translating research into action plans that allow Illinois families, businesses, and community leaders to solve problems, make informed decisions, and adapt to changes and opportunities. Illinois Extension is part of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.