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Family Life

man and woman pointing at each other and yelling

Five ways to refine your co-parental communication

Growing up, my family had my half-sisters every other weekend, but the co-parenting relationship never took a break. I witnessed many different conversations between co-parents on many different topics like schooling, child support, drama, and even discipline. While the conversations were often...
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image is a beach scene with the word summer in various colors and a drink umbrella

Eight tips for a successful summer

Ah, the lazy days of summer. Around my house, summer is a cherished time of year. Routines are more relaxed, the pace is slower, and the “rules” are bent a little.  Even though everyone in my is enjoying a little more freedom from the frantic school year, we’re equally ready for a little more...
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caregiver holding child

Five ways to support foster parents

A little less than a year ago, I received a phone call from a friend who eagerly said that a foster child was on the way to their home. I was beyond excited for my friends & their family but also so excited for this child to be welcomed into a stable and healthy home. Before the phone call...
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Man and woman embracing

Age My Way is theme for Older Americans Month 2022

We traditionally celebrate Older Americans Month (OAM) each May. OAM is a time to acknowledge the contributions of past and current older persons in our country, in particular those who defended our country. Every President since Kennedy has issued a formal proclamation during or before the month...
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someone counting dollars

Five financial tips for single parents

Growing up, I often heard if you want something done well, find the busiest person in the room and ask them. More often than not, that incredible person is a single parent. Single parents are some of the strongest people on this earth and deserve recognition for their hard work and support for...
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grandfather holding up a smiling infant

Five tips for grandparents raising grandchildren

Often grandparenting means a weekend with grandchildren every now and then, an evening babysitting, a summer vacation, or chats on the phone and Facetime here and there. But when life circumstances change, grandparents often assume full- or part-time responsibility for their grandchildren. Many...
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Girl with toothbrush

COVID-19’s effects on your dental health

The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted our world, ushering in an age of Work from Home, vaccination protocols, social distancing, and countless ways in our daily lives, but what if I told you that your dental health was also at risk during the pandemic! In 2020, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) put...
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the word family written out in baking flour

Starting a family as LGBTQ+ parents

During my first year of college, I had a professor in the middle of the adoption process with her partner. I will never forget the day she shared the news that their adoption agency had found them a child & would be meeting them within the next week. Her happiness was contagious, but I couldn’t...
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family with children and baby smiling at each other

Helpful hints for unifying a blended family

While conflict is bound to happen in all family structures, blended families encounter many unique challenges. Knowing what to expect can help address issues before they spiral out of control. Growing up in a blended family was anything but simple. I witnessed arguments between co-parents, legal...
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