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Finding Financial Balance

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school supplies

Are you ready for back-to-school expenses?

Right now is the time of year that kids are getting ready to return to the classroom. For some, this is a welcome excitement; for others, this may be an unprepared expense. Going back to school may bring some financial challenges, but you can account for them in a well-planned budget. Are there...
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Credit cards

Do you find debt distressing?

Does the thought of debt make you feel stressed or anxious? You are not alone if that is the case. Debt is linked to financial worry and lower life satisfaction (Tay et al., 2016). Research suggests that a lack of financial literacy is linked to higher levels of stress and anxiety (Pierce &...
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Garden plants and pots

Spring into food savings

As food is necessary for everyone, it is an important expense in your regular budget. Some ways to minimize your food expenses may be to keep a list of necessary groceries and stick to the list when shopping. With the option of online grocery ordering...
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a pink and gold planner sitting on a white desk. Planner is open to a page that says Goals.

Let’s find your financial balance

Money is a topic that impacts almost everyone. Money is necessary for basic needs, such as food, shelter, clothing, etc. Once basic needs are met, purchases may be made based on personal desire, or money may be saved/invested for future use. Learning what you value and how to balance your...
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