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Lawn Care and Pollinators

Greening spring lawns are a welcome sign to many of us, but they are also a sign of yardwork to come for the rest of the growing season.  The desire to get a jump start on mowing for season, or perhaps to get outside and be active after winter dormancy, spurs a lot of early season grass...
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Sedges for the Landscape

Noteworthy plants in natural areas can be the superstars of landscaping when gardeners learn to harness their natural tendencies and display their most virtuous attributes.  One group of plants that I have often underestimated are sedges (Carex spp.).  These tough native...
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Lunar Influence on Gardening

Our sun has special significance in the gardening world.  It offers sunlight, which plants use to generate energy and directly influences plant lifecycles in a variety of ways.  Have you ever considered the role of the moon in plant growth?  Historically, many agricultural and...
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Sick tree

Using Phenology for Ornamental Pest Control

The timing of spring can vary each year based on weather, but there are always ques in nature that line up in similar fashion year after year.  While climatic conditions on exact calendar dates my vary, the sequence of emerging biota is consistent and based a long evolutionary history which...
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Different colors of lettuces

Its time to plant spring lettuce

The spring vegetable gardening season is nearly upon us. If you haven’t started making preparations, now is the time to “spring” into action before you miss the opportunity to capitalize on unique weather conditions early in the season.  Cool season vegetables, such as lettuce, kale, spinach,...
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Vegetable Gardening with Raised Beds

Vegetable Gardening with Raised Beds

The spring-like weather this past week has been phenomenal.  Although we may see a return to cooler weather since March is known to “come in like a lion”, it was certainly a sign of things to come.  I’m really looking forward to March’s exit as it “goes out like a lamb” and the 2022...
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Trees in our communities enhance learning

The benefits of green space in urban areas has long been documented to improve our lives in a wide variety of ways.  However, recent research has Illuminated the special role that trees and larger woody plants serve in our communities.  Beyond ecological and environment benefits, these...
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Illinois' Only Native Bamboo Species

On a recent trip to southern Illinois I couldn’t help but notice an incredibly unique native plant whose evergreen foliage is reminiscent of something from the tropics, making it seem so out of place in the winter landscape of Illinois. Giant cane (Arundinaria gigantea)...
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