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Slugs a Common Hosta Pest

Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator If you find large, ragged holes in the leaves of hosta (and other) plants in your garden and notice a slime trail as well, a University of Illinois Extension horticulture educator warns you may have a slug or two taking up residence...
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Japanese Beetle Update by Dr. Phil Nixon

Many Japanese beetle larvae did not survive the winter, particularly in the northern half of the state. Research has shown that Japanese beetle grubs do not migrate deeper than 11 inches into the soil for the winter. They die if the soil temperature reaches 15 degrees F or if they are...
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Removing Tree Stumps

Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator Recent droughty summers, a cold winter, and various other environmental and pest problems have killed many trees in our area. Usually when a tree is removed a stump is left behind. Here are several suggestions on how to remove tree...
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Illinois Govenor's Mansion Grounds

Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator The recent University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Team professional improvement meeting in Springfield included three tour sites. One location was the grounds at the governors mansion. I've been to the grounds many times and...
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Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator I've had several questions about lavender this spring. Most gardeners wonder if their lavender survived the winter, but others want to know how to use it. Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is an ancient herb. It has been a...
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Fire Blight on Callery Pear

Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator "Fire Blight symptoms were observed on several Callery Pears this past week," says Travis Cleveland, University of Illinois extension specialist. "The symptoms were more severe than those observed during the 2013 growing season."...
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Cultur-vating…connecting food and culture

Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator May brings us our sixth gardening trend for 2014: Cultur-vating. "Taking local to the next level, people are growing the world in their gardens, mixing cultures and embracing what is local to their own region." Growing our own food...
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Bee-neficials: It's all about the bees this year

Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator Pollinators are an essential requirement for many of our favorite food crops. "News on bee and other pollinator populations is everywhere this spring," says Rhonda Ferree, University of Illinois Extension horticulture educator....
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Mango or Green Pepper?

Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator I grew up thinking that a green bell pepper was called a mango. It wasn't until my sister Lynn Miller moved to Florida that we realized there was also a fruit called a mango. Now that I have seen and tasted a mango, it seems odd to...
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