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Emerald Ash Borer Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Questions and Answers. Question. Should I do a preventative treatment on my ash tree, even though it doesn't have the pest yet? Answer. University of Illinois Extension recommends doing a preventative treatment for Emerald Ash Borer only when the beetle has been confirmed within...
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Green Roofs Becoming More Popular

Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator Recently I toured the Illinois Department of Agriculture's green roof on their administration building at the State Fairgrounds in Springfield. It is an impressive sea of green sedum growing atop a structure of concrete and steel....
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Protect You and Your Family – Understand West Nile Virus

Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator It is time to think about mosquito control and the prevention of West Nile Virus. Since we don't know what this mosquito season will bring, don't let down your guard. Remember to "dump the water" and follow these tips to protect...
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Callery Pears Becoming Extremely Invasive!

Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator Although ornamental flowering pears are beautiful in the spring, they have several severe problems. Below is a portion of an article written by Sandy Mason, Extension Educator in horticulture based in Champaign, IL. Since this...
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Berry News from Extension Educator Mike Roegge

Weekly Crop Update 7-9-14 By Mike Roegge, University of Illinois Extension, Adams/Brown/Hancock/Pike/Schuyler Strawberry harvest was completed several weeks ago, but there is still a little time to renovate the patch if you've not completed that chore yet. You want to do this as soon as harvest...
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Thousand Cankers Disease Threatens Walnuts

Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator Thousand Cankers Disease was recently confirmed in Indiana, putting the disease threateningly close to Illinois walnut trees. Kelly Estes, Agricultural Pest Survey Coordinator for Illinois Natural History Survey, reported on this...
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White Adds Simple Elegance to a Garden

Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator July brings us our seventh gardening trend for 2014: Simple Elegance: Think one color flower in an elegant container. Many people think of a mono-chromatic color scheme as boring, but it can be quite impressive The Garden...
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All About Rose Slugs

Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator Despite making it through a brutally cold winter, knockouts and other rose varieties are being eaten by the larvae of sawfly stated Horticulture Educator, Kelly Allsup. The larvae, not a slug, is yellow- green and velvety looking, 1/...
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Master Naturalists Learn About Butterflies and More!

Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator The Wildlife Prairie Park Butterfly Habitat was awarded a University of Illinois Extension Master Gardener Teamwork Award at an awards banquet in Champaign on June 13th. The Master Gardener Teamwork Award recognizes groups of Master...
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