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Breaking Up With Our Sitting Time

Are you spending too much time sitting at your desk these days? This is true for many who have been working at home for the last few months. It’s important to take a break and step away from the computer – literally! Take a walk, take a break from the sitting time, you will feel better. Is it...
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Waiting for Change!

Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore - Andre Gide Change takes time... We live in a society with many levels of quick information and instant...
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Walking For Health!

When we took our first steps, it was an event!  Today, those steps are just as important.  For adults, 30 minutes of activity is recommended each day for healthy lifestyle management by the National Institute of Health.  Walking is taking a step in the right direction, it's easy and...
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Tomorrow Is Today!

How easy it is to say "I'll get to that tomorrow" and before you know it, weeks, months and years have passed.  Developing sound goals is a roadmap for a successful journey. When writing goals, try S.M.A.R.T. goals. What is a S.M.A.R.T. goal? It is defined as one that is specific, measurable,...
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Summertime Food Safety Tips!

According to United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), forgetting about food safety is a recipe for disaster. As we kick off summer, enjoy your picnic or barbecue without any uninvited guests! Follow these guidelines for food safety for your next event. Preparing: Rinse...
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Quiche – A Healthy Summertime Meal

Not always healthy, quiche could be a diet downfall! Prepared with heavy cream and cheeses and baked in a piecrust, there can be excessive calories and fat. With the University of Illinois Extension Nutrition and Wellness Program, it is easy to adapt quiche to a healthy and delicious dish to share...
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Check your Steps!

According to United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), forgetting about food safety is a recipe for disaster. Did you know that one in six Americans could get sick from food poisoning this year alone? Food poisoning sends more than 100,000 Americans to the hospital each year. Use these four...
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Enjoy the season of Fall actively!

Get your 30 minutes a day of activity and  enjoy the season of Fall! Fall weather, cool and crisp in the morning and beautiful 70's in the afternoons! Take advantage by getting some fall activity. Spend some of your valuable time taking a walk after dinner Attend a local farmers market...
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