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Nurture your eight dimensions of wellness this new year

Sign that says Wellness next exit

It’s the beginning of the new year and so often we set resolutions around physical health, including diet and exercise, but we might be missing out on opportunities to work on other areas of wellness, including the eight dimensions of wellness, which are all interwoven: physical, financial, emotional, social, spiritual, environmental, occupational, and intellectual. Disregarding any one of these dimensions over time, can be detrimental to one’s health and wellbeing.

Create balance in your life, making sure you have time to do things that are fulfilling and make you happy. This may include working or volunteering (occupational), spending time with friends and family (social), praying (spiritual), walking (physical), setting financial goals (financial), recycling (environmental), journal writing (emotional) or reading (intellectual). We all have different likes, needs and abilities so each person’s path to wellness will look different! A good start is to think about each dimension and how it is currently playing a role in your overall happiness and well-being. To do this, take the Personal Assessment from the Colorado- Boulder Health and Wellness Services. Find your lowest score to find out which dimension(s) you could start focusing on improving.

Developing routines or healthy habits can help support our wellness goals and create personal life balance. Think about routines you may already have that make you feel better; is there room for more? It could be yoga or meditation, exercise, a monthly date night with your partner, a short daily phone call with a friend of family member, or a scheduled bedtime. Utilize calendars or reminders to get started until it becomes automatic. It’s also important to know your limits. A daily phone call or increased social interaction is not for everyone, especially if those you converse with aren’t giving you the support you need. Don’t try to do it all at once but take it step-by-step at your own pace. Attention to the dimensions of wellness can have positive health benefits that improve your quality of life, sense of purpose, and connection to the world around you.


Source: Creating a Healthier Life- A Step-By-Step Guide to Wellness.

About the Author


Jenna Smith is a Nutrition and Wellness Educator with University of Illinois Extension, serving Livingston, McLean, and Woodford Counties. Smith uses her experience as a registered dietitian nutritionist to deliver impactful information and cutting-edge programs to Livingston, McLean, and Woodford Counties and beyond.