URBANA, Ill. — Get ahead of an expired pesticide license by signing up for one of the in-person training and testing clinics happening across Illinois from January through April. The University of Illinois Pesticide Safety Education Program understands that putting experience, safety, awareness, and knowledge to the test helps ensure a safer application.
Those interested in attending an in-person training clinic should register early, as seating is limited with some locations already close to full. Find the 2025 training schedule and options at go.illinois.edu/PSEP.
“The large-capacity clinics offer a classroom setting using a provided fill-in-the-blank style workbook,” says Michelle Wiesbrook, Extension specialist, weed science with PSEP. “Each clinic offers training and testing.”
The training clinics run three and a half hours, followed by testing. The pricing is $45 for General Standards or Private Applicator and $25 for each category, including Field Crops, Rights of Way, Mosquito, Turfgrass, and Ornamentals. One and two-day clinics are available. Before registering, check training dates and times to ensure those selected are not scheduled to occur at the same time.
Registration and payment are required prior to attending a clinic and can be completed at go.illinois.edu/PSEP or by calling (800) 644-2123.
Online training modules are also available with testing offered both in-person and online. Details, including FAQ, cost, and registration, can be found on the PSEP website.
Training manuals and workbooks are available for self-study. Several publications were recently updated in October 2024. Check to see if you have the most up-to-date versions by visiting go.illinois.edu/PSEP-Study. Official publications should only be purchased from the official Illinois Extension Distribution Services webstore or local Extension office with an inventory available. These materials may be purchased online at go.illinois.edu/PesticideSafetyPublications or by calling (217) 333-2007.
Those new to the process or who are looking for more information about purchasing publications, attending a clinic, or the licensing process should visit the Illinois Pesticide Review Newsletter at go.illinois.edu/PesticideReview.
For questions or if a reasonable accommodation is needed to participate in this program, contact PSEP Program Facilitator Jean Miles at jmiles1@illinois.edu or (217) 265-0670. Early requests are strongly encouraged to allow sufficient time to meet access needs.
SOURCE: Michelle Wiesbrook, Extension specialist, weed science and Pesticide Safety Education Program, Illinois Extension
WRITERS: Michelle Wiesbrook, Extension specialist, weed science and Pesticide Safety Education Program, Illinois Extension; Jenna Braasch, media communications coordinator, Illinois Extension
University of Illinois Extension develops educational programs, extends knowledge, and builds partnerships to support people, communities, and their environments as part of the state's land-grant institution. Extension serves as the leading public outreach effort for University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences in all 102 Illinois counties through a network of 27 multi-county units and over 700 staff statewide. Extension’s mission is responsive to eight strategic priorities — community, economy, environment, food and agriculture, health, partnerships, technology and discovery, and workforce excellence — that are served through six program areas — 4-H youth development, agriculture and agribusiness, community and economic development, family and consumer science, integrated health disparities, and natural resources, environment, and energy.