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Blog Posts

adult spotted lanternfly on tree-of-heaven
Read article: Here’s what to do if you find spotted lanternfly
Here’s what to do if you find spotted lanternfly
In a summer when many feel like they have been ambushed by cicadas, it’s easy to forget that the spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) has...
John Schepis headshot
Read article: Welcome, John Schepis!
Welcome, John Schepis!
The Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP) at the University of Illinois has recently expanded...
Personal Protective Equipment and Sprayer
Read article: Maintaining personal protective equipment
Maintaining personal protective equipment
At this time of year, when pesticides are commonly being used, it is important to take the time to properly clean and maintain Personal Protective...
school football field
Read article: New pesticide laws around schools
New pesticide laws around schools
Illinois pesticide applicators should familiarize themselves with two new laws that restrict pesticide applications around schools. The intent of...

News Releases

Picture of a tractor in the fields
Pesticide Safety Education Program Testing Dates
University of Illinois Extension – Bureau, LaSalle, Marshall, Putnam Unit is offering the following Testing-Only sessions and certification program for private pesticide applicators. Certification is required to apply restricted use pesticides. The sessions are in cooperation with the Illinois...


Tips for Pollinators and Favorite Plants

We give helpful tips for helping out pollinators plus our favorite pollinator plants. Plus, tons of resources if you’re looking to include pollinator habitat in your landscape.

  • 0:26 - Hi Katie!
  • ...
Invasive Garlic Mustard Research Update for Land Managers

Garlic mustard is a high-priority invasive plant that harms native forest ecosystems in Illinois. Researchers from University of Illinois and University of Wisconsin collaborated to test at what growth stage herbicides can be used on garlic mustard and still stop the plants from producing viable...


Headshot of Matt Gill

Matt Gill

Extension Specialist, Application Technology