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Behind the Clover: Real 4-H Talk with Real 4-H Pros

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Join us for the second half of our interview with Extension Program Coordinator Sara Seyfert about her work with her Emerging Leaders Program.

Emerging Leaders with Sara Seyfert (Part 1)

Get to know Extension Program Coordinator Sara Seyfert, from her favorite book, to what she does to decompress! Learn how she found her way to 4-H from the culinary world and how she created her Emerging Leaders youth leadership program in her counties!

Foundation to 4-H staff with Dr. Kevin Carey (Part 2)

Learn about Dr. Kevin Carey's experiences on the board of the Illinois 4-H Foundation, and how that organization partners with Illinois 4-H to provide opportunities for Illinois youth. Also hear about Kevin's time on the Youth Leadership Team (YLT) and how important that experience can be for...

Foundation to 4-H staff with Dr. Kevin Carey (Part 1)

Get to know Dr. Kevin Carey, Acting Director of 4-H Youth Development and Senior Program Lead, Positive Youth Development with Illinois 4-H! Learn about his journey to joining the 4-H staff team! Hear about the holiday traditions (and tunes) of Kevin and the Behind the Clover hosts, then learn...

Classroom and Extra Help to 4-H with Kasey Kemme (Part 2)

Learn more about Kasey Kemme's transition from the classroom to Youth Development educator and the people who helped her make that change successfully! Hear about her love for informal ed and the flexibility it provides, and what about her job gives her joy! Also learn about extra help...

Classroom and Extra Help to 4-H with Kasey Kemme (Part 1)

Learn about how Kasey Kemme went from formal education in the classroom to Youth Development educator! Hear how she got introduced to the ins and outs of 4-H as extra help in Champaign, and why she decided to transition to working full time with Extension! Hear about where Kasey grew up, how...

Horticulture to 4-H with Latosha Reggans (Part 2)

Hear more from Latosha Reggans, Youth Development Educator in Cook County, about the challenges of growing 4-H in Chicago and beyond. She shares some great tips about scheduling time to process your work and plan, allowing yourself to focus in on one specific program, and learning from your...

Horticulture to 4-H with Latosha Reggans (Part 1)

Learn about Educator Latosha Reggans' move from being a Master Gardener Program Coordinator to an 4-H Youth Development Educator in Cook County! Hear about the learning curve in both positions, and how they are similar and different. Also discover how Tasha found Extension and 4-H, what spooks...

Office Support to EPC with Tiffany Cervantes

Join us as we meet Tiffany Cervantes, 4-H Extension Program Coordinator for Clark, Crawford, and Edgar counties, and learn about the iDREAM and iCREATE program and the opportunities it brings to the youth. Get the scoop on the best ice cream and where we can be found competing in the next...

EPC to Educator with Andrea Farrier (Part 2)

Learn about Educator Andrea Farrier's favorite 4-H memories and how she made the transition from a program coordinator to an educator. Hear how she got her Master's while working for Extension, and get her tips on how to not play the comparison game with other staff. She also shares how she...

EPC to Educator with Andrea Farrier (Part 1)

Meet Andrea Farrier, Youth Development Educator in Unit 5, and learn about her background as a 4-Her in LaSalle County, her hobbies, and her love of Disney. Also hear about the whole team's thoughts on black raspberries, and if they were troublemakers as kids.

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