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Native Plants


Blog Posts

How does cold weather affect garden plants? Snow covered landscape.
Read article: How does cold weather affect garden plants?
How does cold weather affect garden plants?
As cold weather sets in, we often find ourselves retreating indoors where it is warm. However, our landscape plants can't do this, and during...
A generic landscape drawing.
Read article: Native garden design made simple
Native garden design made simple
Gardening with native plants is an ever-increasing trend nationwide as many folks seek an ecological alternative to our traditional non-native...
beautiful flower garden
Read article: New reading series launched focused on habitat gardens
New reading series launched focused on habitat gardens
Are you interested in learning how to take steps to create a home landscape that is not only beautiful, but also provides ecological benefits for the...
The stubborn beauty of oak leaves: marcescence explained dead leaves of an oak remain on the branches a woodland is in the background
Read article: The stubborn beauty of oak leaves: marcescence explained
The stubborn beauty of oak leaves: marcescence explained
Three of my most prized trees are the oaks we planted in our front yard shortly after we moved. They share our front yard with a black gum (Nyssa...

News Releases

View of a layered landscape all green in bloom with flowers, trees, and shrubs in the woods.
A layered landscape provides space for wildlife all year
URBANA, Ill. — There are many ways to support pollinators and other wildlife in home landscapes, such as providing floral resources throughout the season, planting host plants, and planting native plants. In addition, consider creating a space for them to live out their life cycles by creating...
Person planting seeds
Swap seeds at Woodford community event
WOODFORD Ill. – The cold and snowy days have arrived, making it the perfect time to dream about how your yard or garden might look this coming summer. Cultivating native plants that naturally thrive in our region offers numerous advantages. Once established, these plants...
A woman stands in a grassy field holding a long blade of grass
Can one person make a difference on environmental issues?
Global environmental issues like habitat loss and pollution can feel overwhelming. Can one person’s actions make a difference? Natural Resources, Environment, and Energy Educator Erin Garrett believes so. Garrett provides...


Reduce Flooding & Water Pollution with Rain Gardens and Native Plants

Rain gardens and native plants incorporated into home and business landscapes can help to reduce localized flooding, improve local water quality, provide habitat for wildlife, and much more. Learn how to consider natural options to handle rain runoff and walk through the recent renovation of the...

KILL Your Callery Pear & Burning Bush and plant these instead

Are they invasive? Not legally in the state of Illinois. (Yet!) But we are seeing Callery pear and burning bush escape from our yards into natural areas across the state. Today Ken and Chris talk about these two plants, give some background, and then what we can plant instead of these baddies!...