Anyone with a mature black walnut (Juglans nigra) on their property is likely aware that fruits are ripe now, and the baseball-sized, green bombs are beginning to fall with each slight gust of wind or, at times, seemingly at random. This native tree is prevalent throughout central...
Landscaping with edible plants is my second favorite gardening themes, next to ‘Going Native’. Today, there are a wide variety of plants available that will, not only provide your family food, but also offer many other desirable attributes. In addition, it reduces your carbon footprint...
Native plants offer a whole suite of ecosystems services that are often taken for granted. The faunal associations with our native flora run deep and, through this plant-animal connection, support the ecosystems of the natural world here in central Illinois. Planting native species, even on a...
In recent years, as interest in more sustainable agricultural practices has grown among home gardeners, organic pest control options have become widely available in many retail outlets and garden centers. I use many of these products in my own garden and find their origins in nature and modes...
Our native sycamore tree (Platanus occidentalis) is known for its extraordinary exfoliating bark which peels off to expose the beautiful creamy white and greenish colors beneath creating a camouflage-like appearance. This summer many area sycamores are shedding bark at alarming rates...
Garlic is a long-season, over-winter crop that does best when planted in the fall. It can then be harvested in the early summer, which allows space for another summer crop. This is rather unusual timing in the gardening world and it has always interested me for that reason. ...
The iconic monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) has become somewhat of a poster child for the plight that many pollinators face, and for good reason. Monarch populations have experienced drastic declines in recent years for a variety of reasons, some which researchers are still...
Recently, my wife, Amanda, noticed that something was chewing on the nice stand of kale she planted in our vegetable garden. Initially, I brushed it off to the usual, acceptable amount of insect damage kale can withstand and still produce a harvestable crop. Typically, kale has some...
Last week, I notice the first of an annual pest in our area that is always unwelcome to anyone that gardens. Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica) adults emerge from the ground every June to voraciously consume a plethora of plants. Although there are certainly plants these...
Eleven years ago, the US Senate unanimously approved the designation of a week in June as National Pollinator Week, marking a huge step in recognizing both the value of our pollinators and the plight they have faced nationwide. Governors in all 50 states have also recognized the same...