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raised bed with flowers and vegetables growing together

New Hardiness Zone Map changed some of our local zones

The USDA Hardiness Zone Map has been updated to reflect temperature data collected over the last 30 years. This new map version used GIS technology and input from climate, botanical, and horticulture experts to create hardiness zones on a much finer scale.   Updated to Zone 6A Locally, the...
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4 packages of seeds

January and February are prime time for winter sowing

Winter sowing is a cost-effective and low maintenance way of starting plants for the garden. The creator of the winter sowing method, Trudi Davidoff puts it in simple terms, "starting plants outdoors, in winter." Winter sowing works with nature to prepare seeds for growth by providing the proper...
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a close up photo of several plants in the garden with varying textures

Engage your senses with a vibrant sensory garden

A sensory garden is not only a feast for the eyes but also for your nose, touch, taste buds, and ears. They are perfect for schools, healthcare facilities, or your backyard oasis. Here's how you can create a sensory garden: Pick the Perfect Spot Find a location that gets plenty of sunshine every...
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two women bending over picking produce in the garden

Grow A Row 2023: Donating fresh produce to food banks

The Grow A Row initiative aims to give back to Peoria, Tazewell, and Woodford communities by providing fresh produce to food banks, pantries, and other distribution efforts. The goal in 2023 was to donate 25,000 pounds of fresh produce to charitable organizations. Anyone can participate by donating...
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four master gardeners holding their teamwork awards

Local Master Gardeners honored for outstanding work

The 2023 Annual Master Gardener State Conference, held at the East Peoria Convention Center, honored thirteen Extension Master Gardeners and one team project in the Fulton, Mason, Peoria and Tazewell unit with state awards.  Outstanding Master Gardener Award  The Outstanding Master...
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close up of a weed in a landscape bed

Knowing your weeds can help you grow healthier plants

Weeds may be unwanted, but armed with the right information they can be very helpful tools to improving your garden. There are some weeds that are called indicator species because they are more likely to be found in specific environmental conditions. Their presence in your garden or landscape can...
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