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Kathy Edwards Named State Outstanding Master Gardener

Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator Kathy Edwards was one of 36 University of Illinois Extension Master Gardeners honored for their outstanding contributions to Illinois' Master Gardener Program. She was named a State Outstanding Master Gardener at the 2017 Illinois...
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Nature Journaling Reduces Stress

Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator I've mentioned many times that I love to journal, and I usually write surrounded by plants and nature. I use nature journaling as a creative form of self-expression, but I find that it also promotes relaxation and calmness. Many...
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Spoon River Drive Scavenger Hunt

Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator The Spoon River Valley Scenic Drive is about to begin! I challenge you to ignore the crowds and traffic jams and to focus on our beautiful Spoon River Country. As a former guidebook stated, "The Spoon River Valley is filled with...
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Reduce Tree Stress to Keep Them Healthy

Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator The most common questions we get in our Extension offices are about trees. Unfortunately, most people do not notice their trees until they show major dieback or leaf drop. Often by the time we get the call, the tree has irreversible...
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How do Plant's Decide What Color to Wear?

Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator Most plants have a very strict dress code, donning the same colors and style every year. When colors vary, the plant is simply named something else, or it indicates that there is a problem. Botanically, plant colors are fascinating...
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Plants That Move

Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator No plants do not have legs, but they do move. Although I don't see it happen, each week my African violet leaves lean toward the light requiring me to straighten them with a quarter turn. I also don't see the prayer plants fold their...
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Plant Garlic This Fall

Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator Do you use a lot of garlic in your cooking? If so you might try growing your own. Fall is the best time to plant garlic in your garden. Garlic is a hardy bulb, and thus is best planted in the fall when other bulbs, such as tulips...
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Butterflies Spread Cheer

Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator I am seeing more butterflies this summer than I have in recent years. As I walk my property, I see monarchs, swallowtails, buckeyes, hackberry, painted ladies, cabbage whites, and more. This year I even saw a viceroy while mowing!...
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Wise Watering Tips for Gardeners

Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator What is the best way to water plants? Community watering restrictions, rural water shortages, and high water costs sometimes require homeowners to make some tough decisions about outdoor water use. Here are ten wise watering tips for...
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Pet-scaping Your Yard

Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator A walk in the park or a scroll through Facebook quickly show how many people have cats and dogs. The American Pet Products Association estimated that approximately 44% of all households in the United States had a dog, and 35% had a...
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