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Help Available for All Your Garden Questions!

Do you wonder why your tomato plants have so many yellow leaves or how to deal with those pesky bugs eating your roses? If so, University of Illinois Extension is here to help answer all your gardening questions. For almost 30 years, Master Gardeners have answered home garden questions through...
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Canton Garden Walk Showcases Five Landscapes

Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator It seems like yesterday that Judy Holloway walked into my office wanting to start a Canton garden club and annual garden walk. As a University of Illinois Extension Master Gardener, she did just that, and much more. Since 1999, the...
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Don't Raise Mosquitoes in Your Yard

Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator Be sure to look for mosquito breeding sites in your yard. The first step to fighting mosquitoes MUST begin in YOUR backyard. West Nile Virus is most frequently transmitted through the house mosquito. Since it can only fly about 1-½...
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Mints…Friend or Foe?

Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator Mint! For some, the word brings to mind fresh breath, refreshing drinks, or a place where money is printed. As a plant nerd, to me, mint means square stems. Here's why. All mint plants are in the Lamiaceae family. Although not...
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Waterlogged Plants

Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator Central Illinois continues to receive excessive spring rains, which have resulted in waterlogged soils and flooding. Rhonda Ferree, University of Illinois Extension horticulture educator, says "It is important to understand what is...
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Do I Need to Prune My Tomatoes?

Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator I recently overheard a conversation while shopping for plants. The shoppers were discussing whether or not to prune their tomatoes. Pruning tomatoes can help some types produce more fruit. University of Illinois Extension educator...
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Food Garden Safety Begins with a Lead Test Soil

Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator The garden season is in full force, and I'm excited to hear about all the food and community gardens happening in our area. As we begin growing food and other plants this summer, please consider some potential health hazards. A...
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The Meaning of Flowers

Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator Flowers are a great way to communicate your love and affection. Over the years, flowers have developed meaning and are known as a way to convey a special message. Flowers can represent everything from friendship to true love....
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Dwarf Tomatoes Save Space

Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator This year I am planting a dwarf, determinate tomato in my herb garden. It will take less space and produce as much fruit as I need. And, this makes more room for herbs! Tomatoes are divided into two different types based on their...
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