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Plan Well, Retire Well

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One, five, and twenty dollar bills in an envelope on a table decorated with greenery and red berries.

Avoid overspending with smart holiday shopping strategies

It takes extra effort around the holidays to stay within a budget. We tend to spend more when we're tired and stressed, and holidays can add tasks and expectations to our already busy lives. In addition, everywhere we turn are spectacular sales, deals, and wish lists full of gifts and gadgets to...
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Winter checklist: tips for a warm, safe home

Winterize your home: winter weather checklist

With the way this year has been going, I wanted to get a head start on preparing my home for cold temperatures before old man winter makes a full appearance. Taking steps to get your house ready for colder weather can save you money and help you and your family stay safe and...
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Women holding her head and looking at table with bills

Looking for new ways to make bill payment painless

I hate to pay bills and I’m always looking for ways to make it less painful. I used to be able to pay bills just once a month – after payday – and this seemed to work to keep my bills on time. However, that doesn’t work for me now. Now I don’t have a good system – especially in terms of when to pay...
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Who to call? image of hands touching

Who do I call to get help with fill-in-the-blank?

As we move through our lives, different challenges and needs rise. In my own family, our needs have changed over time. When my children were young, I was concerned with finding quality childcare and used clothing and toys. As family members aged, we needed home delivery of meals, medical care...
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