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Simply Nutritious, Quick and Delicious

Should I eat breakfast when I'm not hungry?

While some people wouldn’t dream of skipping breakfast in the morning, others just aren’t breakfast eaters. There are three common reasons as to why breakfast may be overlooked: “I don’t have time,” “I don’t like breakfast food,” and “I’m not hungry.” It’s the “I’m not hungry” excuse that most people have a hard time understanding. After all, you’ve probably heard many health professionals tell you to listen to your body’s cues and only eat when hungry. 


But there are always exceptions to the rule. This recommendation is generally more geared toward snack time, not meal time. A snack is supposed to hold you over until the next meal, but there’s no need to eat a snack if you’re not hungry. However, meals should never be skipped, especially breakfast.  Breakfast truly is the most important meal of the day. A review of multiple studies shows that those who succeed at maintaining a healthy weight regularly eat breakfast. While you could argue that this may not be cause and effect, we certainly know that breakfast is an opportunity to get important nutrients; nutrients that we may not get otherwise.   


These nutrients are the fuel that keeps us productive all morning long. Breakfast impacts learning, which is one of the reasons why the School Breakfast Program was signed into law in 1966. President Lyndon B. Johnson remarked, “Good nutrition is essential to good learning.”  After an overnight fast during bedtime, our bodies need breakfast to refuel and function at our best. The best combination is a balance of carbohydrate, protein and fat. For instance, a sandwich of whole wheat toast (carbohydrate), egg (protein), and cheese (fat), is the perfect combination for an energy packed meal. But if this is too much for a person that’s just not hungry in the morning, start with something light, such as one slice of toast and then have a mid-morning snack later on like yogurt or string cheese.   


Planning a breakfast on-the-go is better than not planning a breakfast at all. Sip on an instant breakfast shake or carry along fresh fruit and a small baggie of your favorite nuts. These foods will help sustain your energy for much longer than foods with a lower nutrient density, such as donuts or sugary cereal. In fact, leftovers from the night before may even be a good option for breakfast. There are no rules that say you must have typical breakfast foods. The only rule is to eat a good breakfast…even if you’re not hungry! 



Duan, D., Pilla, S. J., Michalski, K., Laferrère, B., Clark, J. M., & Maruthur, N. M. (2022). Eating breakfast is associated with weight loss during an intensive lifestyle intervention for overweight/obesity. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.), 30(2), 378–388.  

About the Author


Jenna Smith is a Nutrition and Wellness Educator with University of Illinois Extension, serving Livingston, McLean, and Woodford Counties. Smith uses her experience as a registered dietitian nutritionist to deliver impactful information and cutting-edge programs to Livingston, McLean, and Woodford Counties and beyond.