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Insect Pests


Blog Posts

Companion planting: Combining plants for a healthy, well-balanced garden. A diverse planting of vegetables and flowers.
Read article: Companion planting: Combining plants for a healthy, well-balanced garden
Companion planting: Combining plants for a healthy, well-balanced garden
As we creep toward spring, many gardeners begin to get the urge to get out in the garden. Seed starting and garden planning activities are...
Western corn rootworm larvae in soil
Read article: Managing western corn rootworm while maintaining Bt efficacy
Managing western corn rootworm while maintaining Bt efficacy
The Western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera) is often considered the most damaging pest to U.S. corn. While the adults can...
mealy bug infestation on a brussel sprout plant leaf
Read article: 2024 Recap: Common pest concerns and how to control them in 2025
2024 Recap: Common pest concerns and how to control them in 2025
Did you have a pest issue in 2024 and did not know how to treat it? Insect pests can cause cosmetic challenges, disease concerns, and edibility...
insect pests on clover plant
Read article: Winter insect pest control
Winter insect pest control
As winter is upon us, there are things that growers can do to deal with winter pests. Of course, this is particularly important in winter production...

News Releases

White fuzzy appearing specs that are mealybugs on a houseplant stem.
Keeping outside pests off indoor plants
URBANA, Ill. — Keeping houseplants is a hobby that has recently seen a huge resurgence. Now, nurseries that were all but shuttered for the winter are hosting houseplant parties and other events to help people keep their hands dirty all year.Tending to houseplants is a way to maintain our...
A green plant with tiny white flowers growing in the ground.
The quest of growing wonderberries
URBANA, Ill. — The quest for a new item to add to the garden this past winter led one horticulture educator, Christina Lueking, to grow a summertime berry that might fill a gap after the strawberry harvest fizzled, and before the raspberries matured. An interesting packet of seeds for a plant...


All About Bed Bugs

The resurgence of bed bugs are making headlines globally. Join Good Growing as they delve into the pressing issue of bed bugs seemingly spiraling out of control. Are these tiny pests staging a global takeover once again? Our special guest, entomologist Dr. Kacie Athey, joins the conversation to...
