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Insect Pests


Blog Posts

Finished wood paneling with termite damage
Read article: Termite Troubles: Three tips for preventing infestations
Termite Troubles: Three tips for preventing infestations
Finding interesting insects is fun! At least for me. I enjoy observing the intricacies of most insects. However, there are a few creepy crawlies I do...
What’s that white stuff on my magnolia tree? Magnolia scale. Magnolia scale on the branch of a magnolia tree.
Read article: What’s that white stuff on my magnolia tree? Magnolia scale
What’s that white stuff on my magnolia tree? Magnolia scale
Magnolias are popular trees and shrubs in many landscapes. Their large, showy flowers can range from white to pink to yellow and provide a burst of...
Flagging damage caused by periodical cicadas
Read article: Dead Branch Tips-Cicadas Last Gift
Dead Branch Tips-Cicadas Last Gift
Did periodical cicadas make their presence known around your house? Are you now seeing the ends of tree branches turning brown and dying? The...
Tobacco Hornworm
Read article: Hornworm Alert: Be on the lookout
Hornworm Alert: Be on the lookout
Our recent hot weather has not only helped our garden plants to grow, but it has also helped our garden pests to arrive a little earlier than usual....

News Releases

View of various green plants growing in a backyard garden.
Tips for getting landscape plants through summer
URBANA, Ill. — While much of the work done in the garden happens in the spring, that doesn’t mean growers can coast through summer. Supplemental watering, weeding, and managing pests will go a long way to keep landscapes growing through the summer. WaterAs...

