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Blog Posts

A dead brown duck washed up on a lakeshore
Read article: How avian flu is affecting wildlife in Illinois
How avian flu is affecting wildlife in Illinois
In early February, dead birds began washing up on the Chicago lakeshore: red-breasted and common mergansers, Canada geese, and others. In a city...
close up of old jack o'lanterns in a pile
Read article: Don’t trash pumpkins this Halloween: Smash them!
Don’t trash pumpkins this Halloween: Smash them!
Apple cider and crisp fall air call for Halloween festivities and of course, you can’t forget about pumpkins! It would not be an Illinois Halloween...
dried flowers in a garden
Read article: Pollinator tips for fall clean up time
Pollinator tips for fall clean up time
Where did summer go?  It seems like we were just enjoying the sun, imagining all the wonderful produce our gardens would make, and looking...
landscaping with native plants
Read article: Conservation@Home Member Spotlight: Laura Hertz
Conservation@Home Member Spotlight: Laura Hertz
By Laura Hertz, Illinois Extension Master Gardener serving Fulton, Mason, Peoria, and Tazewell countiesIn 2018, I became aware of the...

News Releases

A masked man with a headlight holds a bat in gloved hands
Genomic tools provide clearer view of health for endangered bats
URBANA, Ill. — How do wildlife researchers know when an endangered population is sick? They can detect infectious microbes in animal waste, but the presence of a microbe doesn’t always equate to impactful symptomatic infections. In a...
What to know about avian flu in wild birds, poultry, and pets in Illinois
URBANA, Ill. — The nationwide spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza, HPAI, also known as avian or bird flu, has many in Illinois concerned about livestock, pets, wildlife, food safety, and public health.HPAI is an extremely contagious and frequently deadly respiratory disease for...
A woman stands in a grassy field holding a long blade of grass
Can one person make a difference on environmental issues?
Global environmental issues like habitat loss and pollution can feel overwhelming. Can one person’s actions make a difference? Natural Resources, Environment, and Energy Educator Erin Garrett believes so. Garrett provides...

