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Social-Emotional Health

It's Fall Y'all! info graphic

It’s fall, y’all – Time to create a fall family fun list

I don’t know about things in your neck of the woods, but here in Central Illinois, the indications of autumn are everywhere! The shorter days are marked with bright blue skies and a crisp breeze, mums adorn doorsteps, and there’s pumpkin spice everything! In case these tell-tale signs don’t ring...
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disaster collage

Prepare to protect the people you love

“In case of emergency” is a phrase that we’re all familiar with. So familiar, in fact, that we sometimes just ignore it. That “emergency” seems so unlikely and far off – and we have stuff to deal with right now! But – as the past weeks and months have shown us – emergencies happen all the time. As...
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a family picking up trash in the park

Encourage volunteering in your family

Volunteering together can be a great way for families to spend time with each other.  Additionally, volunteering as a family has been shown to significantly impact the amount teens volunteers. America’s Promise found that 81% of teens who had one adult family member or role model who...
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summer infographic

10 ways to savor the last specks of summer

This week, the back-to-school shelves in every store I‘ve gone to look as though they’ve been ravaged. I’m struggling to keep up with my backyard garden harvests, and I just got notification that my favorite apple orchard will be opening for the season. And the children are “going to die of boredom...
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field of poppies

3 ways to be more mindful this summer

Summer days can often go by so quickly and before you know it, the busy schools days return.  Here are three ways that you can slow down the pace of your summer, spend time in nature, and enjoy the world around you. Cloud watching  Lay a blanket out on the grass and look at the clouds...
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