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Our Illinois 4-H Story

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Youth having fun.

Frequently Asked Questions About Illinois 4-H: What is 4-H?

As we gear up for another exciting year in 4-H, we want to make sure everyone knows what 4-H is all about. Whether you're a curious parent, a young adventurer, or a teen looking for new challenges, Illinois 4-H has something for everyone. So, let's dive into some of the most common questions we get...
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Farm road.

Start in Reverse

The Jasper County soil wasn’t the same color soil as I was used to back at our garden in central Illinois, but it was the homeplace of my beautiful mother and I loved it there. Farming was everyday work with no guarantees, but life was pure, simple, and literally rooted.Grandpa Harris wore bib...
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A giant blue ribbon.

Here comes the judge, as all is "fair" in love and 4-H

The final school bell rings and sixth grade is over! Colton bolts for the door and into the warm, bright sunshine of summer. He feels a sense of freedom and knows in the very distant future he’s headed to Junior High, but now there are now camps, baseball, a vacation, and a 4-H fair first. His...
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Oak seedings in buckets.

A boy named "Oak"

Oak Leaf.   Why would the Leaf parents of such a big, strong baby boy name him Oak? That’s seems like a lot of responsibility for a youngster to handle throughout his long life ahead. But Oak was full of potential. Oak knew the future held many uncertainties and challenges, but he...
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Blog Authors
tina veal

Tina Veal

4-H Alumni & Constituent Engagement Manager