Compost Ambassador is a training program developed by Illinois Extension's North-East Illinois Composting Initiative.
The five 2-hour virtual live sessions cover topics that will strengthen your ability to compost at home, teach others how and why they should compost, and understand the science behind composting. During class you will have access to an online classroom where you can interact with other students, instructors, download supplemental materials, and engage in optional home learning assignments. By the end of class you'll have a solid base for deepening your participation in composting.
Topics covered include:
What is compost and why is it important?;
How to compost at home: backyard, three-bin, tumblers, vermicomposting, and more;
Understanding the science of composting: how do air, water, microbes, heat, and materials consisting of carbon and nitrogen interact to produce compost?;
Troubleshooting your pile: smell abatement and critter mitigation;
How to assess compost quality: tests you can do at home;
Best practices for using compost: how do different types of compost impact usage;
How to join composting movements in your local community; and
Practical ways to create and advocate for a strong culture of composting in Illinois.
Class meets online via Zoom on Wednesday evenings. Attendance at and participation in these lectures and dedication to course materials outside of class time is expected.