
Meditation Mornings

County: Cook
Join University of Illinois Extension Educator Michele Crawford for Meditation Mornings. This free virtual series consists of fifteen-minute guided meditation sessions held every Monday, Wednesday,…

Putting ‘Self’ Back into Self-Care

County: Cook

Learn the importance of making time for self-care as well as lowering barriers to access.  Discover simple and cost-effective ways to add self-care into your life. Presented by Community…

Digging Deep Into Data

Cash Flow Worksheets
County: Cook

Digging Deep Into Data: Using Spreadsheets for Farm Business Planning
The course has two components. You may register for just the virtual session(s) or both: the virtual session and in-person…

Explore Plant-Based Diets

County: Cook

Research has shown that following a plant-based diet may lead to lower risk of chronic disease and increased longevity.  Learn the basic components of a healthy plant-based diet as well as…

Digging Deep Into Data

Workshop: Production Planning and Cashflow Worksheets
County: Cook

Digging Deep Into Data: Using Spreadsheets for Farm Business Planning

The course has two components. You may register for just the virtual session(s) or both: the virtual session and in-…

Meditation Mornings

County: Cook
Join University of Illinois Extension Educator Michele Crawford for Meditation Mornings. This free virtual series consists of fifteen-minute guided meditation sessions held every Monday, Wednesday,…

Racial Healing Circle

County: Cook

This program provides the opportunity to listen, learn, and share in a safe setting about experiences with race, racism, culture, and personal history. Participants will engage in cross-cultural…

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Beyond the Winter Blues
County: Cook
Join us for an interactive workshop where you will learn how to recognize symptoms, receive a diagnosis, and identify prevention and treatment methods for Seasonal Affective Disorder. Presentation by…

Meditation Mornings

County: Cook
Join University of Illinois Extension Educator Michele Crawford for Meditation Mornings. This free virtual series consists of fifteen-minute guided meditation sessions held every Monday, Wednesday,…

Meditation Mornings

Join University of Illinois Extension Educator Michele Crawford for Meditation Mornings. This free virtual series consists of fifteen-minute guided meditation sessions held every Monday, Wednesday,…