Thriving Youth Thriving Clubs: 4-H Thriving Model Volunteer Training Series - Relationships Session
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At this three-part training for adult volunteers, learn about the fundamentals of the 4-H Thriving Model of Positive Youth Development and how creating an environment for…
Meditation Mornings
Join University of Illinois Extension Educator Michele Crawford for Meditation Mornings. This free virtual series consists of fifteen-minute guided meditation sessions held every Monday, Wednesday…
Digging Deep into Data
Part 1: Virtual Webinar Balance Sheets
Bridging the Gap: Technology Adoption in Small Holder Farms
Discuss the unique challenges and opportunities smallholder farms face in adopting new technologies. This final…
Digging Deep into Data
Part 1: Virtual Webinar Balance Sheets
Meditation Mornings
Join University of Illinois Extension Educator Michele Crawford for Meditation Mornings. This free virtual series consists of fifteen-minute guided meditation sessions held every Monday, Wednesday…
Meditation Mornings
Join University of Illinois Extension Educator Michele Crawford for Meditation Mornings. This free virtual series consists of fifteen-minute guided meditation sessions held every Monday, Wednesday…
Grab and Go winter Solstice Kits
Join us for grab and go solstice kits! Each kit will contain: the history of the Winter Solstice, recommendations for age-…
Mereces Brillar
¡Extensión de Illinois y la Biblioteca Pública de Wheeling, Indian Trails presentan esta serie diseñada para compartir estrategias prácticas de autocuidado y promover el bienestar emocional y…
Forming an LLC
Producers are often curious about the details of an LLC. Most farmers choose the LLC as their preferred business structure, and the good…