Master Gardeners are a part of Cook County Extension’s Horticulture program and a vital link to getting research-based horticultural information to the public. They are volunteers who are passionate about gardening, plants, community, teaching, and the environment. Delivering horticultural education is what they’re all about! Master Gardeners have no products or services to sell; they can provide unbiased, research-based information from the University of Illinois to the public. They serve youth and adults of all ages and backgrounds through free or low-cost public programming.
Their mission is Helping Others Learn to Grow. Master Gardeners involve people in improving their quality of life by helping them find sound management practices for home and urban natural resources, by creating aesthetically pleasing environments, by promoting well-being through people-plant interactions, and by contributing to a safe, abundant food supply through home fruit and vegetable production.
There are three Master Gardener Programs for Cook County. These are Cook Chicago (within city limits), Cook North Suburban (north of Roosevelt Road), and Cook South Suburban (south of Roosevelt Road) units. Additionally, Chicago Botanic Garden runs a Master Gardener program. Master Gardeners must complete volunteering in the unit they apply.
To continue being certified active volunteers, MGs are required to volunteer a minimum of 20 hours each year and complete 10 hours of approved continuing education annually. Volunteers work in their communities teaching the public about horticulture topics. Please see the program request forms below to request programming!
Volunteers also run a year-round answer desk where you can ask your gardening questions.
Email our Master Gardeners! Email questions to Chicago-MG@illinois.edu. Include photos when possible.
If you are interested in sharing your horticulture knowledge as a MG volunteer, you must
Due to the large population of Cook County, the MG program is divided into three geographic areas: South Suburban, Chicago, and North Suburban. You are encouraged to apply in the area where you live. We receive more applications than volunteer spots available, applying does not guarantee acceptance into the volunteer program. The application process includes an interview and background checks.
If you are selected for the MG volunteer program, you have two years to complete 40 hours of volunteer work as an intern at pre-approved sites determined by your local coordinator. To remain an active MG volunteer, 20 hours of volunteer work and 10 hours of Continuing Education are required yearly.
If you need reasonable accommodations to participate in this program or for more information, please e-mail uie-cook@mx.uillinois.edu.