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Digging Deep Into Data

Cash Flow Worksheets
Grain and Calculator
Event Date(s)
Event Time
on Zoom
Event Fee

Digging Deep Into Data: Using Spreadsheets for Farm Business Planning
The course has two components. You may register for just the virtual session(s) or both: the virtual session and in-person workshop. 

Part 1A: Virtual Webinar Vegetable Production Planning
Wednesday January 15, from 6:30 to 8 pm. 
Learn how spreadsheets can be used to forecast planting and harvest dates and sales projections.
Part 1B: Virtual Webinar: Cash Flow Worksheets
Wednesday January 22, from 6:30 to 8 pm. 
Learn how CAsh Flow Worksheets can benefit your farm business planning and how they can be used for forecasting and decision making. 
Part 2: In-Person Work Session: Friday January 24, 2025,  from 9 am to 3 pm at 8753 S. Greenwood Chicago, IL 60619. Bring your laptop and farm data for this day-long work session. The Cook County Local Food Systems and Small Farm team will be on hand for one-on-one coaching for either Production or Cash Flow worksheets.  Lunch will be provided for the in-person session, and everyone who attends will receive a copy of Fearless Farm Finances or The Lean Micro-Farm. You MUST have attended the virtual session in order to attend the in person session. 
Cost: The Virtual session is at no cost.  
The in person session requires a $15 refundable deposit to ensure attendance. 
If you need a reasonable accommodation to participate, please contact