Strength at any age: The crucial role of strength training for adults
Strength training boasts an impressive list of health benefits, especially as you age, but most U.S. adults, and even fewer older adults, don’t meet...
Do you know what gets you up in the morning (besides the kids, the dog, the alarm clock)? Your purpose! According to a recent webinar that I attended...
Family and Consumer Sciences Conference engages seniors
ULLIN, Ill. – Social isolation and loneliness can have a profound impact on well-being, particularly among older adults. The Family and Consumer Sciences Conference provided a welcoming space for seniors to connect, learn, and foster new friendships.Most, if not all, in attendance were...
Don't Go It Alone: why improving your social connections matters
CHAMPAIGN, Ill. – According to recent studies, more than 20% of adults in the United States experience social isolation or loneliness. These feelings can significantly impact a person's well-being, especially older adults....
Attend Tai Chi series for arthritis and fall prevention
PONTIAC, Ill. – Older adults are more likely to fall, which can cause serious injury. Many studies have shown that Tai Chi is one of the most effective approaches for preventing falls. Medical authorities agree that suitable exercise for people with arthritis should incorporate components that...
Fall in love with wellness! Join UofI Extension Wellness Walks.
CHAMPAIGN, Ill – As the crisp fall air starts moving into the region, University of Illinois Extension invites you to join our invigorating Wellness Walks, led by Nutrition and Wellness Educator Rachel Mannen and Family Life...