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the words you got this written on the ground

How to help youth build resiliency

What does resilience look like? It’s that process of how we deal with difficult situations or adversity. Life is full of difficulty, such as experiencing loss, stress, anxiety, depression, fear, just to name a few. On the other hand, life also can bring about an abundance of joy, determination,...
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people eating at a table

Dining away from home with young children

I do not enjoy cooking. I CAN cook – I just don’t like to. So, my husband and I have been fortunate to be able to eat out at restaurants quite often – when he also chose not to cook. When we had our son, I tried to cook more at home, but we slipped back into that same routine of going out to eat...
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Two small children playing in water

Kids who care

Recently, I was supposed to attend a family night at a local preschool where I would work with the youth about what it means to care and be kind to each other. Unfortunately, I couldn’t make it at the last minute, but I wanted to share a tip sheet that I was also going to share with the parents....
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three children holding hands

Helping children learn to get along

As the oldest child of three, and also having a child of my own, I can say first-hand that children are going to argue, not get along, and even fight sometimes. When facilitating parenting classes, the topic of how to prevent children’s arguments was brought up often. Fortunately, getting along...
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family eating dinner

Making family mealtimes happen

With many families in back-to-school busy mode, it can sometimes be difficult to enjoy having meals together. However, research shows that having meals together is beneficial for individuals as well as the whole family. Family members who eat together tend to eat healthier – they eat more fruits...
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two childen playing a game

Tips for a fun family night in July

It’s hard to think about the 4th of July without visions of flags and fireworks appearing.  The holiday event is rich with traditions that help us celebrate our country’s heritage with pride and a sense of belonging.  Families also have a wealth of traditions that help us feel special and...
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