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Our Illinois 4-H Story

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Getting Personal: 4-H is changing lives

Illinois 4-H strives to teach life skills. Sometimes those life skills may seem very simple to us, but are truly life changing. Read these words from a mother who knows just how important 4-H has been to her son. "We have five sons adopted form China. Jason came home in 2010 at age 6 ½ with an...
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Lives changed as teens find hidden strengths as teen teacher

The pilot program for the 4-H Teens as Teachers grant has wrapped up, and the results prove the concept of using teens to teach peers is solid for both the participants and the teen mentors. The following testimonials speak to the impact for 4-H Teen Teachers. "Being a teen teacher showed me...
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Blog Authors
tina veal

Tina Veal

4-H Alumni & Constituent Engagement Manager