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I want it my way: Appoint a Power of Attorney to help

On a good day, I wonder if my family hears what I say or if all they hear is "blah, blah, blah!" However, when I talk about what I want to happen if I'm in an accident, hospitalized, or die, I'm SURE some of my family completely block my words. That's why I think it's so important that I write down...
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Student loan update: Supreme Court decision

Disclaimer: Information about federal student loans is rapidly changing. This blog is current as of July 20, 2023. If you were depending on student loan debt relief, you may need to adjust to the recent news that student loan repayment will be resuming soon without the anticipated...
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Woman fanning money

Powerful ways to stretch your dollars and stop money leaks

Do you want to get the most bang for your buck?  Of course you do! We all know there are only so many dollars in our paycheck and an endless number of opportunities to spend those dollars.  Being creative and very conscious of your spending goes a long way to stretching your dollars....
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Keep your digital money safe

Raise your hand if you have ever used a service to send your money digitally! *Slowly raises hand* According to research, over three-quarters of U.S. adults have used at least one type of payment app in their lives (...
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Three money strategies to practice with your children

Talking about money can be tough. We tend to have all kinds of values, mixed messages, emotions and more tied to our money conversations. For some people, the last kind of talk they want to have with family is "the money talk." Unfortunately, this means our children may not be as prepared to handle...
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Steps to choose health insurance

Purchasing health insurance requires choosing which insurance plan works best for you, whether you are choosing from your workplace options or from the marketplace. Before you make your decision, think about what is important to you: Which doctors and/or hospitals are accessible with each...
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Finding financial balance

Money is a topic that impacts almost everyone. Learning what you value and how to balance your individual wants and needs with your available financial resources can impact your overall personal financial well-being. Many people are not feeling comfortable with their finances at the present time...
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More help available to manage your money

Hi everyone! My name is Emily Harmon, and I am Extension's new Finances Educator for Champaign, Ford, Iroquois, and Vermilion counties. While I am new to this position, I am not new to Extension. I was one of the program coordinators for the finances and family life programs since 2019. I...
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