As of Jan 31, 2025 we are at capacity for in-person attendance.
Please join us virtually on Zoom to learn about what the Farm Service Agency (FSA), the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Illinois Extension, Advocates for Urban Agriculture, Cook County Soil and Water Conservation District, The Conservation Fund, Experimental Station, CFPAC and other partner organizations can do to support your urban ag operation. You will meet the USDA’s Urban Team, Financial Assistance Programs, partner organizations, and how to apply for the IAM-Chi Grant Program.
February 5th Winter Workshop Agenda
10 – 11am: Event Kick off and Nutshell Shares
(Organizations will provide brief 5 minute shares about their organizations for follow up technical assistance )
11– 12pm: Panel of Technical Assistance Providers in Chicago with 15 minutes for questions
12 -1 pm: Longform presentations by organizations - FSA Programs, Conservation Fund, and Extension IAM-Chi Grant