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Health Insights Illinois

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girl doing sit ups

Fueling for fitness

Get the most out of your workouts by fueling your body with the right nutrients before and after exercising. Fueling Before and After Exercise Everyone should aim to eat well-balanced meals that follow the MyPlate guidelines for...
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teenagers sitting in classroom

Supporting middle school children’s mental health needs

Middle school is an important time in a child's life since as they change physically, emotionally, and socially. Navigating these transformations may be difficult, which is why it is critical for parents, teachers, and society to prioritize the mental health of our early adolescents. Developing an...
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bowl of yogurt and fruit with a banana and strawberries

How do I feed my active teen?

A nutritious diet is important for teens to ensure proper growth and development. For teens that play sports or engage in regular exercise, additional calories and nutrients are needed to fuel and recover from exercise without compromising growth and future health.  Participating in school...
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