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ground hog looks out from burrow onto snowy landscape

Great groundhogs: Getting to know Illinois' burrowing hibernator

Have you heard about the celebration of the whistle pig? Maybe its more common name, Groundhog Day, rings a bell. Every year, Punxsutawney Phil’s appearance on February 2 is a reminder we are halfway through winter and – shadow or no shadow – spring is on its way. Groundhogs are Illinois’ largest...
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Rime ice accumulating over a hoar frost.

Reason for the Rime

I distinctly remember being in a car with my parents one early morning.  My father, an agronomist, knew endless amounts of nature information. He knew more than just everything about soil and creating high bushel numbers for our local farmers. He knew secrets, at least that is what I believed...
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open book with light and stars coming out of the pages

Winter: A time for storytelling

Welcome to winter. During this cold and snowy time, many American Indian cultures use the time for traditional storytelling. Storytelling serves two main purposes, entertainment and education. And the really good stories do both. Hearing a story or reading a book is like receiving a gift from the...
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Ice formations at the base of plants

Nature’s Current Event: Frost Flowers

Late fall and early winter provide an opportunity for a rare glimpse at a fascinating phenomenon, if you are willing to get up early!  Frost flowers, also called ice flowers, are thin, often undulating ribbons of ice that form at the base of certain plants.  This happens when the air...
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Eastern Grey Squirrel with snow on nose

How the Eastern Grey Squirrel became our urban neighbors

As part of nature ourselves, humans feel a connection with the natural world-a feeling I don’t have to explain to any of you. This connection has caused us to seek out nature or integrate more natural elements into our landscapes. Prior to the Landscape Parks Movement in the 1870’s, our urban...
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Beaver chew

Nature's Current Event - The Beaver Moon

The Beaver Moon was at its fullest this morning at 3:30 a.m. CDT. My unreasonable alarm, set for 3:15 a.m. to view it, was for nothing more than a drink of water. Here in northern Illinois it was overcast and only my faith in the moon’s existence was clear. However, as I peered half asleep at the...
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Crawfish frog adult

Species Profile – Crawfish Frog

Imagine you are five years old and playing in the tall grass, feeling the spongy wet soil beneath your feet, when suddenly the quiet is interrupted by shockingly loud, deep guttural calls all around you.   You are startled beyond your wits and leap out of the grass in a rush back to the...
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Sandhill Crane in a wetland

Nature's Current Events: Sandhill Crane Migration

Growing up in central Illinois, I was familiar with swaths of Canada Geese migrating across the sky and their characteristic HONK!, but after moving to Northeastern Illinois, I have discovered the joy of a slightly more charismatic bird that captures the hearts of naturalists and nature...
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