Down the Garden Path
Richard Hentschel, Extension Educator
Our beautiful ornamental flowering crabapples that grace so many yards have a couple of foliage diseases that can really impact how they look once the bloom show is gone. Both diseases readily infect the crabapple leaf.
Apple Scab (...
Down the Garden Path
Richard Hentschel, Extension Educator
This column has talked about the many impacts of our 2012 drought and why our trees, shrubs and evergreens have had such a struggle regaining their health and returning to a good annual rate of growth over the past 2 years. Lawns were...
Down the Garden Path
Richard Hentschel, Extension Educator
Spring is a good time to be planting trees, shrubs and evergreens in the home landscape. We have lost so many trees to the Emerald Ash borer, other wood boring insects and diseases lately that some communities look bare,...
Down the Garden Path
Richard Hentschel, Extension Educator
The annual passage of winter to spring has begun and the smell of fresh cut grass is in the air. The last week has seen a big green change in the neighborhoods.
A few guidelines to having a good-looking lawn do not take us away from what...
Down the Garden Path
Richard Hentschel, Extension Educator
The snow continues to melt and rains have begun to rinse away the dirty grunge of winter from the soil that piled up everywhere. While we wait for the last of the snow to go and the ground to warm up before we can plant even those...
Down the Garden Path
Richard Hentschel, Extension Educator
Spring is coming, but may be a bit late compared to what we have gotten used to. It is great that plants, insects and wildlife seem to know when it is right to show up. Insects will typically develop right along with their plant hosts and...
Down the Garden Path
Richard Hentschel, Extension Educator
Young fruit trees in the home orchard should begin to fruit once the tree has become established. Several conditions will need to be met before that happens. The four big factors are tree health, weather, typical age for the tree to bear...
Down the Garden Path
Richard Hentschel, Extension Educator
Most of the spring blooming shrubs and small ornamental trees in the home landscape already have their flower buds ready to go right now. The flower buds were created last summer and have overwintered protected by insulating bud scales....
Down the Garden Path
Richard Hentschel, Extension Educator
Cold weather has already given peach trees in the home orchard a knock down punch for 2014. When temperatures reach 10 degrees, peach flower buds start to die. For every degree below -10 degrees, we lose another 10% of what was left until...
Down the Garden Path
Richard Hentschel, Extension Educator
Now that the Holidays and Super bowl Sunday are over and pretty much our lives have returned to a more normal routine, there may be some insects beginning to show up in the pantry or kitchen. Leftover baking goods are usually the culprit...