1301 Enterprise Way, Suite 60 Marion IL 62959
Robin Ridgley is a Family Life Educator serving Franklin, Jackson, Perry, Randolph, and Williamson Counties. Her program priorities relate to social-emotional wellness, aging well, brain health, and family relationships. In her role, Ridgely connects with local partners and community members as she provides educational programming and resources on healthy living throughout the lifespan.
A native of Benton, Illinois, and a two-time Southern Illinois University alumna, Ridgley received her bachelor’s degree in elementary education and a master’s degree in education administration. She has many years of experience teaching in the public-school system and most recently served as a family services school-based counselor and a prevention specialist at Centerstone, a not-for-profit mental health care provider. Ridgley has also served youth in foster care as a child welfare specialist at Lutheran Social Services of Illinois, a not-for-profit social services agency.
Ridgley is proud to serve as a coach for the award-winning Illinois Strong Couples project, promoting communication skills that strengthen relationships.
Ridgley resides in Creal Springs along with her husband Rick. Together they enjoy the outdoors, including hunting, kayaking, and hiking.