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Over the Garden Fence

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Insects Vacationing In the Home

Down the Garden Path Richard Hentschel, Extension Educator Now that the Holidays and Super bowl Sunday are over and pretty much our lives have returned to a more normal routine, there may be some insects beginning to show up in the pantry or kitchen. Leftover baking goods are usually the culprit...
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Dwarf Fruit Trees and Pollination

Down the Garden Path Richard Hentschel, Extension Educator January is not too early to start to plan for a new home orchard or to consider replacements for aging fruit trees in an existing orchard. There are several different kinds of fruit trees to consider, including apple, cherry, peach, pear...
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Presents for the Birds and Your Backyard

Just about now, you can see holiday trees sitting in the front or side yard, waiting for the assigned pick up date to be collected and mulched. This is one way to be sure your holiday tree gets recycled to the benefit of the environment. The follow through to getting your tree composted in a...
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