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Community Health: Education, Prevention & Inspiration

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Health Apps- A Complementary Tool in Health Promotion

We live in a technology driven society. Our youth do not know what life was like before cell phones, computers and the internet. While technology can contribute to an increasing array of health problems like sedentary life styles, many health educators are leveraging the power of technology and...
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Community Health Advocacy

Whether it's participating in a rally, writing your legislator, signing a petition, or just educating your neighbor on an issue, advocacy plays a critical role in improving community health. Advocacy is crucial to raise awareness of community health issues and influence private and public policy...
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Making Health for All a Reality

Striving for health equity in health education programming in a county as large and diverse as Cook County, Illinois is no small task. Cook County is the second-most populous county in the United States after Los Angeles County, California. As of 2015, the population was 5.2 million. Health...
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Hepatitis C

You might have seen announcements about screening for Hepatitis C. Over 3.5 million people are infected with Hepatitis C and about ¾ of them do not know it. Hepatitis C is inflammation of the liver which will kill cells. Over time, there will be build up of dead cells leading to scarring. This can...
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National Children's Dental Health Month

The American Dental Association (ADA) and the ADA Foundation commemorate National Children's Dental Health Month every February to raise awareness about the importance of oral health. The health of our teeth and gums depends on a lifetime of care and so developing healthy habits at an early age and...
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Preventive healthcare

An apple way keeps the doctor away. How many times have we heard that familiar adage? While it refers to the fact that eating apples, or any nutritious food, can keep you healthy and hopefully save you a trip to the doctor's office, visiting the doctor is not...
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Summer Sun Safety!!

It's here, It's here, It's here….. Yes… Summer is finally here (after a long winter) but we have to make sure we are prepared for the Sun!! According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2015) skin cancer is the number one cancer in the United States which and most cases of melanoma...
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National Public Health Week – April 6-12, 2015

2015 is the 20th anniversary of National Public Health Week! What exactly is public health you might ask? The World Health Organization (2015) defines public health as "all organized measures (whether public or private) to prevent disease, promote health, and prolong life among the population as a...
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February is Heart Health Month

As American Heart Month wraps up, and after a recent news statement about women and heart attacks, providing data and facts about heart health and heart attack warning signs in women seems appropriate. What is Heart Disease you ask? Heart Disease is the buildup of plaque in the...
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