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Commercial Fruit and Vegetable Growers

Commercial Fruit and Vegetable Growers

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tomato plants

New mobile resource for commercial vegetable production

Just like growers who attend winter meetings to increase their knowledge and skills, Extension educators are continuously learning new or updated information to provide current, relevant research-based information to individuals, families, and groups that we serve. I recently attended the 2023...
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hydroponic strawberries growing in high tunnel

Hydroponic day-neutral strawberry production observations

Hydroponic production allows for different configurations or growing systems that can include gutters, rails, troughs, buckets, slabs, and bags, as well as different substrates or growing media including perlite, coconut coir, rockwool, and more. Couple production system versatility with controlled...
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Jonagold De Coster apple

St. Louis Metro East Update: Cool nights benefit red apples

The St Louis Metro East in the last few weeks has been experiencing what I would call “resort” weather, with temperatures during the day in the upper 70s to middle 80s and nighttime lows in the upper 50s to low 60s.  Apple harvest is in the ‘Golden Delicious,’ ‘Red Delicious,’ and ‘Jonagold’...
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cleared out high tunnel

Dixon Springs Update: Time to clean the tunnels

Not to brag or anything, but we may be on a 2-week streak of what I consider perfect weather. The humidity levels have dropped making it easier to breath, and the temperatures have been in the upper 70s to low 80s during the day. We did receive about 0.1” of rain on September 21 which was just...
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