Hurricane Francine might have put a damper on the first “official” pumpkin weekend this season, but the following weekends have been near perfect for drawing crowds to fall agritourism activities. The pumpkin crop is overall good to excellent, and demand is high. Apple harvest,...
Hello everyone! We are students in the College of ACES who are part of the JBT program. The Jonathan Baldwin Turner (JBT) Scholar program is a renewable, merit-based scholarship program that provides financial support and professional development experiences to create leaders in the field of...
A research team, led by Dr. Ariana Torres, from Horticulture Economics at Purdue University, is developing an online tool designed to assist farmers in evaluating the economic impact of adopting integrated pest management strategies. This tool uses a TurboTax Q&A format to ask farmers for...
Weather update by Trent Ford, Illinois State Climatologist.Climatological summer encompasses June, July, and August, and the season often brings more than its fair share of intense weather. This past season was on the mild side, temperature-wise. June started the season with warmer than normal...
Food Works Southern Illinois Farming Alliance is hosting a Mechanical Weed Control Field Day on two dates from two different locations in the southern Illinois region. Each of these is a full day workshop with lunch included. Tuesday, October 8, Beet Root Farm, Carbondale, IL with be hosting the...
Operations with agritourism opportunities have really geared up for the fall season and everyone is hoping for great weather these next four weekends leading up to Halloween. The last weekend of September brought welcomed rain to the St Louis Metro East, breaking a moderate drought before it became...
Choosing the right business structure for a farm or ranch business shouldn’t be hard. In this webinar, producers will learn how to apply straightforward decision-making factors to your situation. We’ll walk through the tax advantages and business practices that make the most of your choice. A focus...
In our current research project, “Strategies for Improving Biological Control of Insect Pests for Vegetable Growers Utilizing High Tunnels”, tomato harvest has ramped back up now that the raccoon situation is under control. Overall fruit size is smaller while flavor and white core has...
Recently, Iowa and Illinois have confirmed the presence of cucurbit yellow vine decline (CYVD), a disease that causes yellowing, wilting, and potential death of infected pumpkin and squash. Although it has been detected in several states, the distribution and frequency of disease is unknown across...