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Commercial Fruit and Vegetable Growers

Commercial Fruit and Vegetable Growers

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tomato plants growing inside a high tunnel

From Central Illinois (Decatur): Grafted tomato observations

I stopped by a large produce grower in my area, Maddox Sweet Corn Farm, and Ted showed me their grafted versus non-grafted heirloom tomato trial. In the photo (photo credit: D. Gucker Illinois Extension 2024), the row of tomatoes on the left and the row on the right are the same tomato variety. The...
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small green bug on a leaf

Potato leafhoppers are moving into Illinois

It is starting to be potato leafhopper season in Illinois. Potato leafhoppers are pests on a variety of crops (fruit, vegetable, ornamental) and they do not overwinter here, so they migrate in from the south as the weather warms up. Potato leafhoppers feed by inserting their needle-like mouthparts...
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people in a high tunnel with plants in rows

Dixon Springs update: Crops planted in high tunnels

Crops are responding to warm spring temperatures and increased daylength. The crimson clover cover crop began flowering on March 29 and by April 3 was in full flower and ready to be terminated. In our current research project, “Strategies for Improving Biological Control of Insect Pests for...
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green and brown field under stormy and sunny sky

Mild winter puts plants in a precarious place

Illinois experienced its 2nd warmest winter on record, cooler only than 1932. The mild winter caused perennials to break dormancy and advance phenology weeks ahead of average. While March and April have had their characteristic temperature swings, milder weather has persisted into the spring so far...
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weed seeds germinating in bare area of field

Weed Management Strategies for Vegetable Farms

Weed Management is almost always a challenge on vegetable farms.  Even if you do have a manageable weed pest, management practices come at some kind of cost, from herbicide cost to labor for hand or mechanical weeding.  Dr. Stephen Meyers and Jeanine Arana just released a really nice...
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peach trees is an orchard with green leaves

Suggested spray schedule for peach trees without fruit

Based on observations and considering results from peach brown rot research in the past three years, the following information is in regards to a spray schedule for peach trees without fruit: The important diseases: Leaf curl: A serious leaf disease, regardless of fruit crop....
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