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Commercial Fruit and Vegetable Growers

Commercial Fruit and Vegetable Growers

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young strawberries and ripe

Day-neutral strawberries still producing

With our research partner, Freeport High School Student Vegetable Farm, the annual strawberry plants study has continued to grow well into September. In July and August, we removed runners and cleaned the beds weekly to reduce pest pressure (yellow jackets, lygus bugs, small mammals). While these...
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ginger rhizomes

Central Illinois Update: Ginger is teaching valuable lessons

The ginger crop languished in the Unity high tunnel during August, putting on minimal growth — even with shade cloth in place of plastic over the top of the tunnel. The ginger trial team and I are starting to think that this crop may benefit from more than the 30% shade cloth we are using in the...
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Jonagold De Coster apple

St. Louis Metro East Update: Cool nights benefit red apples

The St Louis Metro East in the last few weeks has been experiencing what I would call “resort” weather, with temperatures during the day in the upper 70s to middle 80s and nighttime lows in the upper 50s to low 60s.  Apple harvest is in the ‘Golden Delicious,’ ‘Red Delicious,’ and ‘Jonagold’...
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pumpkin on vine

Southwestern Illinois Update: Pumpkin fruit accelerate growth

Pumpkins are doing well. I gave my pumpkins a side dress application of nitrogen the first week of August and they have really taken off we have fruit starting to size nicely. I have not seen any signs of powdery mildew yet but have started spraying preventative fungicides, especially given the...
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people walking though pumpkin field

Dixon Springs Update: Hydroponic vegetables continue producing

We had a break from the summer heat last week, but this week the heat dome has moved back over our region creating very hot, humid conditions. With 95-100° temperatures and heat indexes ranging from 105-120°, much of the field work in our high tunnels is completed before noon with lots of water and...
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