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Wellness Wake Up Call

Nutrition and wellness educator Kristin Bogdonas provides timely news, information, ideas to promote healthy living in the Quad Cities and beyond. Wellness Wake Up Call is produced by WVIK in partnership with University of Illinois Extension.
wellness wakeup call

Latest Episode

We shed light on this topic because only 1 in 10 adults gets enough of these superfoods each day! Kristin shares ideas on how to increase your F&V intake. 

Consistency is Key: Establishing a Routine for Wellness Success

In this episode, host Kristin Bogdonas delves into the important topic of maintaining healthy habits throughout the year and how to achieve success with 6 simple tips. 

Stocking your winter wellness arsenal

Building a winter wellness arsenal involves preparing yourself physically and mentally to navigate the challenges of the colder months. Here are 12 tips to help you create a comprehensive winter wellness plan. 

Diabetes: Take charge of tomorrow

1 in 10 Americans has diabetes and 80% of people with prediabetes don't know they have it! Don't let prediabetes take you by surprise. Taking charge of your health may help you prevent diabetes health problems such as damage to your heart, eyes, and nerves. Learn how you can plan for healthy,...

The itch that won't quit: Understanding and managing atopic dermatitis

Kristin Bogdonas, nutrition and wellness educator, sheds light on atopic dermatitis, the most common form of eczema, in honor of eczema awareness month. Kristin shares her personal connection to the topic, as her son was recently diagnosed with the condition.

Healthy Aging Month

September is here, and that means it's officially Healthy Aging Month. It's a time to celebrate growing older and wiser while taking steps to maintain our health and vitality. In today's episode, I'll share some practical tips to help you age gracefully

The facts about vaping

Joining me today is Krishna Marme, the Community Tobacco Consultant for Scott County Health Department.

Tips for Extreme Heat

Keep Kids Safe this Summer

Stroke Prevention

You may have heard of the acronym FAST or F-A-S-T. It stands for Face, Arms, Speech, and Time. If you think someone may be having a stroke, ask these questions:Does one side of the face droop when smiling?Does one arm drift downward when both arms are raised?Does speech sound strange or slurred?If...

Disaster Preparedness at Home

Just in time for September, national disaster preparedness month, Kristin Bagdonas shares her top tips for disaster readiness at home, whether it's natural or financial.

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