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This is Not a Snow Day

  Remember snow days? Those absolutely “free” days—no school, no work—just a day free to do anything that comes to mind? I know that I always baked something, cookies, bread, smores in the fireplace… was a fun activity to do as a family. And nothing tastes better than comfort food, rich,...
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Understanding dates on food packages

Do you keep it or throw it out? In the United States, people throw away 30-40% of the food they buy. Are we throwing food away unnecessarily? Perhaps. If you are using the dates stamped on food products as your guide, then you might need to revisit your strategy. So, what do those numbers mean?...
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It's fair time and that means fair food! Corn dogs and cotton candy---what trip to the fair would be complete without them? Ask anyone what they enjoy most about the fair and many will say ---THE FOOD! Pizza on a stick, fried butter, chocolate covered bacon, the list is endless. What is your...
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Celebrate National Salad Month

May is National Salad Month! Let's celebrate by eating more salads! If you are trying to eat healthier, salad is often our "go to" when ordering at a restaurant. It sounds healthy, right? Restaurant entree salads are not always the best choice. Some can weigh in at over 1100 calories! Read the...
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The birds are chirping the flowers are blooming—Spring is here! Makes you want to roll up your sleeves and get to it! Time for Spring cleaning! I'm not talking about digging into your closets and under your bed—ferreting out the dust bunnies and donating unused items "Kondo" style—although it is a...
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Add Some ZIP to your Winter Meals

In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan, Earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone; From: In the bleak midwinter by Christina Rossetti February is dull and dark and cold…..but at the same time full of promise. The earth is beginning to tilt toward the sun and every day the sun...
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Too Much!

Remember last year—you know when you struggled to find room in your fridge for all the Thanksgiving leftovers? I do. In fact, I distinctly remember my cousin and I lamenting that we had nearly twice as much food as we needed for our Thanksgiving dinner. Now, I like leftovers, especially...
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FALL is for…foraging?

  We often think of springtime when we hear the word, foraging. But actually, fall is a great time to eat nature's bounty! Look around—fall is the harvest season. Trees bear fruit, grains yield seeds, and plants produce starchy tubers. Nature is providing food for the winter, not only to...
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Meals in the Field

Combines are beginning to roll and that means long hours and irregular mealtimes for farm families. For generations, families have packed food into their cars to share a meal with those working in the field. We must remember that just as we need to fuel and tune up the equipment, the same thing is...
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