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Summer Supper

Happy June! June 3rd was National Egg Day and the 4th was Cheese Day—two of my favorite things. Which reminds me of one of my "go to" meals when we are pressed for time—as many of us are these busy summer days. I call it, poached eggs in red sauce; I thought I invented this dish. That is, until I...
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Go Further with Food

March is National Nutrition Month and the 2018 theme is Go Further with Food. We could go on about money wasted, landfill space and hungry people across the globe or down the street. Although those are sobering thoughts, they are abstract. What can we do in our own kitchens to combat...
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Spring! Shop Your Pantry First

February—the month where we learn if Spring is around the corner. Whether you believe in the prophetic wisdom of a hibernating rodent (aka, Punxsutawney Phil the Groundhog) or in the reality that the earth is beginning to tip more towards the sun, Spring is coming! It is a great time to look ahead...
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Eat More Salads!

Was your resolution to eat more veggies? Are you eating more salads to get healthy? Me too, I often eat salads and have struggled with the dressing dilemma. I tried the low fat bottled dressings and did not like them; in fact, I quit salads altogether back in the low fat diet craze days. Now there...
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Instead of a New Year's

  New Years' resolutions ---lose 20 pounds by Feb. 4th. Run a marathon in May. Bench press 200 pounds by April. Each year we set ourselves up for failure. How many times have you put yourself on a "diet" only to fall off the wagon a few days later? I know in my lifetime I have gained and...
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Visons of sugarplums dancing in your head? Or are you Yule-tired? Think just one more cookie with that cup of eggnog is just what you need before your long winter's nap? Maybe not—maybe the yule-tiredness comes from too much of everything. We all want to enjoy the holidays but I often hear people...
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Save on Holiday Groceries

I discovered something at our family's Thanksgiving feast…. we made nearly twice as much food as we needed. Many of us are strapped for cash this time of year (insert editorial comment about buying too many presents) and we could use some extra money. Where can we find a few extra dollars? Let's...
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Pumpkins—everyone loves them! We smash them from catapults—carve intricate designs into their flesh—tell stories about them in folklore—Cinderella even rode in one—and Peter-Peter Pumpkin eater put his wife into one---but that's a whole other story…it's pumpkin season. We see them heaped into huge...
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Snacks on the Go

  This time of year finds families scrambling into the chaotic fall school activity and sport schedules. In addition to making sure your young athletes have the necessary sport gear, it is also important that you make sure they are fueled up for their game or match. Many young athletes have...
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Corn Dogs and Cotton Candy!

Corn dogs and cotton candy---what trip to the fair would be complete without them? Ask anyone what they enjoy most about the fair and many will say ---THE FOOD! The once a year treat can pack some big calories into your regular diet, so here are a few tips. Most of us know that the "Doughnut...
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