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Controlling Flies in Your Beef Cattle Herd

The wet spring has certainly provided favorable breeding conditions for flies. As we progress into the summer it is evident that fly pressure could be heavy. Types of Flies: Stable fly: This fly is found on the feet and legs of the animal. Naturally,...
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Buying hay vs. Growing your own hay

Hay is the traditional feedstuff of choice for wintering beef cows in the Midwest. This leads many cattlemen into the question "Should I buy my hay or raise it myself?" The correct answer depends on numerous factors. The list below helps illustrate these factors. Buy Hay...
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Hay: Nutrient Value and Cost of Production

Although hay feeding has stopped on most farms and cows are out on grass, it is important to look at the value of hay as many start harvesting this year's hay crop. Every ton of hay contains approximately 40 lbs. of N, 20 lbs. of P, and 50 lbs. of K. However, it is important to calculate N losses...
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Farming with Synergy: Corn & Cattle

Many Illinois farmers are taking notice of the advantages in a diversified farming enterprise that includes livestock. These farmers are at the epicenter of synergistic farming. I'm not sure if that is a coined term yet, but now it is on record. Basically, synergy describes two separate systems...
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Creep Feeding 101

Increasing profit is the ultimate goal of any business, and the cattle business is no exception. In effort to maximize profit, cattlemen have to be focused on producing the greatest amount of premium product without sacrificing production efficiency. The ability to produce more pounds of a high...
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Deja Vu - 2014 pastures look very similar to 2013

As we have a few weeks under our belt in the 2014 grazing season here at Orr Beef Research Center, it is apparent that the similarities to last year are numerous. The persistence of cold weather has caused a delay in pasture growth Pastures are wet, low in dry matter and very lush Some drought...
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Herd Expansion: Is it for you?

If you haven't heard… cattle prices are pretty good right now. This coupled with the retreat in corn price last fall and lowering feed costs, has cattle producers looking for their long-promised "good times". For nearly three years, the talk of herd expansion has been suggested only to be silenced...
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What is Overgrazing?

Overgrazing is the failure to match animal grazing to forage growth and production. In most cases, cattle or any grazing animal is allowed to continuously harvest a plant without allowing the plant to feed itself. Many times overgrazing causes reduced pasture stands and forces the cattlemen to feed...
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Handling Early Spring Challenges with Sacrifice Paddocks

A long, harsh winter coupled with a slow start to spring has left many producers frustrated with where to put cows. Calving cows do not do very well in muddy lots that are already piled high with used bedding from the winter. Nor do pastures do very well with lots of foot traffic as they try to re-...
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Adding Pounds = Higher Paycheck

Record high calf prices provide incentive for cattle producers to deploy management strategies to increase pounds at weaning. A couple common strategies to add pounds would be implants, creep feeding, early weaning, and backgrounding. Implanting calves is a good option for producers that are...
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