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Mineral Nutrition: Part 5 of 5

With calving season getting closer, or already here for some, cattlemen may want to deploy strategies to ensure mineral nutrition does not rob them of potential profits. The value of a live calf is more than ever in the face of a shrunken and rebuilding cowherd. As cows came through the chute this...
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Mineral Nutrition: Part 4 of 5

There are options when it comes to mineral supplementation. The most common methods are loose mineral, mineral blocks, including mineral in-feed with other supplemental protein or energy, or injectable minerals. All of these can be effective mineral supplementation strategies. Providing loose...
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Mineral Nutrition: Part 3 of 5

As I have stated in previous posts, proper mineral nutrition relies on a balance. This is critical to avoid mineral interactions. Mineral interactions can result in one mineral restricting the bioavailability of another. Thus, reducing the amount of that mineral absorbed by the animal. This can...
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