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pond in wooded area

Five Tips for Healthy Ponds

Having a scenic and healthy pond on your property takes a little bit of strategy and time but does not have to be overwhelming.  Spring is a good time to get ahead of growing vegetation or algae before it becomes a nuisance. Here are five tips to keep your pond healthy for fishing, swimming or...
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A windbreak of evergreens

Tips for a creating a successful windbreak

Hold on to your hats! It is windy here in Illinois. Wind can be destructive to our homes and landscapes, plus it can make being outside miserable. This is why many Illinoisians plant windbreaks around their homes to keep that biting wind from causing a drafty house, prevent drifting snow, and make...
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Bee on the lookout for native bees. Native bee on an orange and red flower.

Bee on the lookout for native bees this summer

Now that we’re well into May, many landscapes are full of blooming plants and the buzz of bees. When you think of bees, what comes to mind? Chances are, images of golden-yellow honey bees come to mind. However, there is a lot more to bees than the honey bee. In fact, there are over 20,000 bee...
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puddles in lawn

Improving Soil Drainage

With all the rain we have received this spring, you may have noticed some areas in your lawn or fields where water ponds. The rate at which water moves through the soil profile is influenced by pore size in the soil.  When there are issues with poor drainage, soil has smaller pores and holds...
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Caring for spring-blooming bulbs after flowering. Red and yellow tulips with green foliage.

Caring for spring-blooming bulbs after flowering

Our days are getting longer and warmer, and many gardens are awash in color from spring-blooming bulbs like daffodils and tulips. Unfortunately, the blooms will eventually fade, leaving many of us wondering what we can do to help make sure that they are ready to go again next year. Leave the...
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hills of soil in lawn

What to do when your mole hills have turned into mountains

Now that we are spending more time outside, you might be noticing more and more mounds or ridges of soil popping up in your lawn. There are a few different animals that like to make these mounds, but often the main culprit is the mole. Moles are attracted to areas with a good supply of food which...
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arrows pointing every which way in the lawn

The should’s and should not’s of landscaping

In all walks of life there are do’s and don’ts, but in my world of teaching horticulture a very rare word to use is “should.” I don’t like to use the word should. The word “should” tends to turn people off when receiving advice. When people call the Extension office, I make a conscious effort not...
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Helpful tips for creating a successful container garden. Pots with yellow, purple and pink flowers.

Helpful tips for creating a successful container garden

Do you have limited space to grow plants outdoors? Or maybe you have an area that could use some color but don’t have anywhere to put plants in the ground. Container gardens may be the solution to your problem. Almost anything that you can grow in the garden can also be grown in a container. You...
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ruby throat hummingbird feeding from flower

5 ways to attract Hummingbirds to your yard

Every year, hummingbirds travel from their winter homes in Central America and Mexico to North America. Hummingbirds are currently making their trip north with an expected arrival to west-central Illinois around April 10 to 20. Knowing when these birds will arrive can help us prepare for their much...
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